“This was fun AND super helpful. And usually (never?) do those two things coincide in PDs.”
“It’s difficult to articulate how meaningful this work today was. I hope that my district will trust me when I say this is some of the most valuable PD I have had.”
Jeffrey Veale Jr. - Teach For America
“Phenomenal session!! It was a long day but it didn’t feel long being in the session. I felt engaged, inspired, relevant and empowered…I felt like I truly grew in the matter of a few hours on how to captivate my staff and others and tell purposeful stories! By far one of the BEST sessions I’ve been in in awhile…Thank you all so much!”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the session— I learned that leaning into discomfort is liberating.”
“I found this session to be so powerful - I believe it should be required for all leaders in education.”
“This was an awesome experience. I left feeling calm and more compassionate about myself. I learned how to deal with extreme feelings or moments of being overwhelmed.”
“I liked the concrete focus on storytelling. Well all know that really theatrical teachers are great, but that part is rarely taught.”
Courtney Saretzky - Achievement First
“I wish Leading with Presence would be a MANDATORY REFRESHER for ALL our leadership administration EVERY YEAR, just as teachers have to attend the same refresher courses every year. These are awesome sessions that can and will help administrators/leaders connect with their faculty, staff and the community! Would TOTALLY recommend! I got a sense of connecting to myself once again! My WHY!!!””
“This experience was one of the best professional developments I’ve ever been involved in. I walked away with connections with the people in my room and confidence in not only myself, but my peers. ”
“The program was a great way to build relationships with my peers and it forced me to think about my own life in answering questions like “who are you? Why are you here?”
“A fantastic training that not only brought our administration team closer together, but brought forward skillsets that were accessible and useful for all.”
“This was one of the most impactful PD sessions I have ever participated in. I loved that it was low-tech, and I felt engaged the entire day. Every leader should do this session!”
“This was an amazing experience and a great way to begin my leadership journey. Thank you.”
“IE helps you recognize how others view you and the power in your story. It shines insight into what makes you tick. ”
“It is great to hear other leaders who are going through a similar story/experience. ”
Aisha Bell Robinson - Communities in Schools
“IE really opened me up to think about my values and my presence when speaking, in a way that I hadn’t thought about before.”
“I enjoyed the blend of content, practice, and modeling of skills throughout the day. I think it was a well-run day that has left me excited to practice with my IE coach one-on-one.”
“It was a great way to build rapport with the team I’ll be working closely with this year. We broke down the walls we all needed to, to understand each other more.”
“We made more progress/headway as a team in one day with IE than we made in an entire school year together.”
“This was a very comfortable way to begin our new principal induction training. I love that presence was valued as a skill and we had a chance to work on it.”
“I learned so much and feel more confident than ever in my ability to connect my message with people! [My facilitator] was so kind and gave incredibly helpful tools and feedback, and my cohort was marvelous. They’re friends now!”
“No matter what your profession or area of expertise in education, everyone can benefit from learning how to have presence in their workplace.”
“I was prepared for this PD to feel generic, but instead I felt like real, personal issues were addressed. I felt present and engaged (which is not normally the case for me!)”