As a former English teacher, Nathalie Ais brings enthusiasm, clarity, and engagement as a facilitator with Inspiring Educators. She is based in the Boston area, where has worked in both Boston and Cambridge Public Schools.
Having taught her stuffed animals since she was a kid, as an instructional coach, she supports teachers and schools in Cambridge and Boston Public Schools. In her own public speaking coaching practice, she helps leaders turn their #1 fear into their #1 asset by owning their voice. Having spoken to audiences from France to Florida and taught public speaking at UMASS Boston, she’s enamored around meeting people, learning new things and being fearless.
Nathalie holds an A.B. in Sociology and Government from Smith College and a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College. Her research on learning effectiveness has been published at Harvard University. She’s partnered with Entrepreneurship for All, Boston Debate League, Business Professionals of America, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Autodesk, ThinkerAnalytix, and local churches across New England.
“I loved Nathalie’s energy + the impromptu dance party. Nice check-in and natural segue to that content.”
“Belle and Nathalie were a good team; they were organized and effectively modeled the skills they wanted us to