Each coaching engagement is tailored to the needs of the individual, enabling them to reach higher levels of effectiveness, while holding true to their own personal narrative, aligned with the mission of their organization. 

An Individual Coaching program includes at least 10 contact hours providing:

  • Pre-coaching interview with both coachees and supervisor to discuss strengths and development opportunities

  • Expectation-setting and description of process (including confidentiality)

  • Assessment process to measure individual’s presence skills, with clearly articulated goals

  • Observation by coach in a variety of settings

  • Development plan formation (with input of supervisor)

  • Carrying out of plan with in-person and phone support from coach

  • Assessing progress and ending the engagement with options for next steps

In general, these coaching engagements can be divided into three broad categories:

Retaining Your Team Coaching
Current school reform comes with unique issues of staff morale – initial buy-in to the mission, but high levels of staff fatigue and burn-out. No single remedy is likely to turn the situation around, however, Inspiring Educators’ “Retaining Your Team” coaching can make a significant contribution towards addressing the challenges of disaffection / burnout / shorter tenure by the highly talented and highly committed staff who are the engines of the success education reform. RYT helps school leaders identify authentic relationship building methods so leaders can create more positive school climate and help staff refuel their own investment in mission.

Inspirational Vision Coaching
Although many school leaders have clear vision and values, IE’s coaching in developing and speaking inspirational vision ensures that the messages come across as genuine and powerful.  This enables school leaders to build empathetic bridges so that teachers, parents, staff and students each feel they are part of the values and the vision of the school. This program is informed by Marshall Ganz’s work on Public Narrative: Story of Self, Us and Now. The coaching helps leaders build emotional capacity to call people to action. The “now” would be about school vision for student success and the call might differ for staff, parents and students at different parts of the year. The “us” work requires the participants to artfully and authentically find the empathetic bridge that bonds them to differing groups.

Presence and Relationship Building – Post-Program Coaching
Here the focus is on capturing and deepening the presence and relationship building skill sets developed in the program with frequent check-ins and action plans for continued growth. Focus can also be setting ambitious growth goals, frequently with a focus on expanded responsibilities and mission.  ‘Holding the vision of the organization’, and taking greater ownership of the ‘voice’ of the organization may be included in this one-on-one coaching engagement. The coaching helps school leaders sustain and renew their passion, enthusiasm and commitment to school leadership and to the communities they serve.