Leading a turnaround is achieved not necessarily by dramatically changing the work conditions, but by treating people differently, based on two values in particular: 

1.     Believing that people deserve dignity and respect regardless of background or breeding. 

2.     Believing that people should succeed based on merit - which can be found anywhere.

Being a good storyteller and engaging conversationalist helps more than any written formal statement of belief.  But, most important, a leader's actions must reflect their values and reveal who we are - a deep connection between a leader's work and their values, remaining true to their own 'story'. 

Ultimately, the key ingredient is hard to define but easy to recognize - it is authenticity.  Authenticity is the to key to success as a leader and to the context that helps leaders have impact.  It enables one to come across as genuine;  being a 'what you see is what you get' sort of leader. 

From a core of authenticity, based on their values and their strong sense of who she or he is, a leader can do more than motivate their workers;  a leader can inspire them to do what they'd not been able to do before.’

And these attributes - authenticity, remaining true to one's origins, telling (and living) one's story effectively in order to inspire - can all be cultivated.  They are not simply something a leader is born with.  They - and leaders - can be grown.  Our courses are designed for, and dedicated to that goal of growing inspiring leaders.